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CSR Activity at Phuoc Buu Kindergarten (December 2020)


On 19 December 2020, PEB Steel handed over a renovation project to Phuoc Buu kindergarten. The project is a collaboration between PEB Steel Buildings and the Department of Education of Xuyen Moc District, Ba Ria – Vung Tau Province, to share with the community PEB Steel’s excellent expertise and the flexibility of pre-engineered building technology in civil construction.

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A Vietnamese traditional dancing performance from the teachers of Phuoc Buu Kindergarten.

Ms. Thai Thi Thao Suong from the Department of Education of Xuyen Moc District, Ba Ria – Vung Tau Province at the ceremony.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Xuyen – Principal of Phuoc Buu Kindergarten.

Ms. Dinh Thi To Quyen – Corporate Marketing and Communication Manager of PEB Steel Buildings.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Xuyen, Principal of Phuoc Buu Kindergarten, awarded the gratitude board for the representatives of PEB Steel – Ms. Dinh Thi To Quyen.

Before: The stage in bad conditions.

Before: Rusted roof system.

Before: Classroom with no canopy.

After: New classroom canopy.

After: New roof systems with high-quality profile and insulation solution.

After: New classroom canopy.

After: New curved roof for the stage.

After: New insulation material for the roof.

After: Total new stage with PEB Steel’s roof system.

After: New classroom roof systems.


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